Thursday, June 28, 2007

too kewl to eeww

I was walking down 19th St. after work. After a few minutes, I became aware of a cold, wet feeling where my nylon satchel was brushing against my arm and hip. I peeked inside the exterior pocket and remembered a banana I'd put in there last week. At the time, said banana had been fairly ripe, and I'd brought it to the office intending to eat it before it died on our kitchen counter.

At this point, I realized that the banana had melted into juice and slime and was passing through the fabric of my bag. It was cold because the A/C in my office is aggressive enough to preserve a corpse.

I decided not to extract the dead banana right there in full view of downtown, rush-hour Philadelphia. Instead, I adjusted my shoulder strap so the bag was held with a centimeter gap between the contaminated surface and my body.

Fortunately, fruit flies did not carry me away before I had a private moment near a trash receptacle.

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