Tuesday, April 7, 2009

everyone plays by the same rules

Last Friday, a coworker mentioned to me a particular "girl rule", part of a larger girl code that all girls instinctively know. This is the rule: when you bring a man to a party, if you want to signal to all the other females in the room that this man is taken, you eat off his plate without asking. I filed this away as possibly useful knowledge.

On Sunday evening, Rachel and I were at a live music event at a cafe in Philadelphia. While we listened, she stabbed an olive out of my bowl of farfalle putanesca. I looked around the room. The audience for the band we'd gone to hear trended distinctly lesbian. I gave Rachel a long look. Was she telling me that I needed to snag some food from her plate? Because I was very sure that I was not in play at this event.

The next day I asked for clarification. Rachel said she just wanted my olives.

1 comment:

motownbilly said...

I suppose by definition the lesbians wanted nothing to do with your 'olives'